Tuesday, December 28, 2010
The best Christmas yet...
Sunday, October 10, 2010
My God is so great....
From Kelly's Korner blog..
* And a quick update - the mother who delivered twins at 21 weeks and lost them and then had a heart attack passed away yesterday. Please be in prayer for her family and especially her husband. He lost his first wife 3 years ago to breast cancer and has 3 young children. I can't imagine the excruciating pain he must be enduring. Pray that Jesus is close to Him. http://www.lesliejoyevans.blogspot.com/
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
So excited for what the future brings for our family!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Some new stuff!
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Monday, August 2, 2010
3 Months!
I can't believe my sweet twins are three months old! They reached this amazing milestone yesterday. It's crazy how busy a stay-at-home mom can be, so I'm trying to make a point to take a picture of all of my kids everyday. I had a rough night last night, so I have not been outside all day, trying to rest from the sleeplessness. Spencer took the boys to their weight check today. G is 9 lbs and E is 8.4 lbs! I'm so proud of them. They are thriving and getting so big. It's sad the time has passed so fast, but I'm also excited at what the future will bring for them. I love you boys!
Now to my little "DIVA". Nana came by last night and brought dinner. Hayden discovered her shoes and I must say she knows how to wear heels! Little stinker!
Also, the dreaded REGRESSION has crept into our house. Hayden has had more than enough accidents within the past few days. I try to stay as patient as I can, but when you have two screaming infants and a toddler peeing on every chair in the house, it's hard. I can tell it's getting to Spencer too. I hope she doesn't hate me one day for posting these priceless pictures. I'm trying to capture every moment, right?!
a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgEX_t1-ZFIN7-2z6WfCxeLn_IVeuHvlbACyY2ZqHuNUuSAzfP7zf4brqzAvAzuteI_k2uSvSewBBY37SP19HdQh8DGN4AGulGrJuGeZ5dMvW-41J40Hu46xZVCze2hZHmBvSp0yz8EBXH4/s1600/002.JPG">
I'll never get these moments back.... even the awkward ones!
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Happy 13th Week!
Garrett (L) Ethan (R)
We find out how much they weigh at the doctor's on Monday. I can't wait to see how much they've grown on the scale. I can tell just by holding them and by their clothes that they have put on a pound, or more.
At the last weight check, which will be two weeks ago Monday, Ethan weighed 7.2 lbs and Garrett weighed 7.6 lbs. They are three weeks adjusted, so they still act somewhat like newborns, but they are very strong. Both have rolled from tummy to back a couple of times and have great head control. They're both going through a bit of a fussy stage, Garrett more so than Ethan. But when it's time for night, night, they both sleep for about 5 hour stretches until the sun comes up. They're overall great-natured babies. Ethan has been on antibiotics for a stomach infection, but it doesn't seem to be bothering him. The only reason I knew something was going on is because he had blood in his stool. They eat 4 to 5 ounces at a time. I'm so thankful they're thriving.
I have noticed lately that Hayden plays with two baby dolls at a time now, instead of just one. SO CUTE!!! She's definitely a mini-me!
We've had a nice, relaxing weekend. Last night the Moss' came over and we had a blast, of course. Tanner and Hayden played outside until the sun went down. They only stopped for a second to eat, then got drumsticks for dessert. I don't know who enjoyed them more, the kids or the moms!! The night ended with a big splash in Mommy's bath tub. Lots of bubbles, splashing, and fun!
Tammy and Tanner came back over this morning to help with the twins while Travis and Spencer played golf. It's been a nice relaxing day at home as well. The sun's not out and it just rained. Now for a blockbuster movie and Japanese food to end the day. Looking forward to a much needed worship in the morning and a wonderful Sunday.
Friday, July 30, 2010
It's a log.....log...
Introducing My LOG! My homemade, simply put, log (in which I can't live without). The LOG is in a 50 cent, three subject notebook (in which I can't live without). I write down all feedings, bottles, poops, vitamins, and medicines. I got the idea from another blogger, and boy am I glad I read that post!
Introducing Ethan and Garrett's LOG!
It's truly important enough to blog about!
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Quiet time.... what??
I've had my brother, sister-in-law, sister, and dad here for July and they've all just recently left. It was nice having extra sets of hands around until I could get the hang of things (which is still a work in progress).
The boys are napping (a rarity) and Hayden is watching YO GABBA GABBA.
We went and spent the morning at Mandy's house and played with Gavin. Hayden and I love going there to visit. She loves Gavin, and all of his toys, and I love hanging with my bestie! It's nice because Mandy adores the boys and she has EVERYTHING in the world to accommodate the babies and the toddlers. While the boys fussed in and out of sleep, we got a little break in the pool, which I LOVED. I haven't seen much sunshine lately unless it's breaking through my blinds.
If I can get her out of the pool, she goes straight for Gavins rocking horse!
It's really hard to leave without prying Hayden off Mandy's leg. It's great to have such great friends!
The boys are growing so much and so fast. I've really been trying to hold on to and enjoy the fact that I've had newborns for 13 weeks now. It was tough to have them in the NICU, but since they've been home, I've soaked it all in. There adjusted age is 2 and 1/2 weeks so we've been experiencing the usual fussiness, restlessness, and gas. I know it's short lived, but it's still tough to see them so uncomfortable, especially with two of them and only one of me. BUT...I'm truly blessed to have such perfect, healthy children. I'm aware that one day I'll look back and wish I could have just ten minutes of this time back.
We don't have much planned for the weekend. Hopefully the Moss' will come over one night for dinner. Hayden and Tanner have so much fun. The last time they came, the kids had so much fun running and jumping on the air mattress, which was in the playroom, it was also Dana's bed! They're both potty training and were about to take a bath, which is why they were nearly naked!!
It's a crazy life, but a fun life! I give God all the glory!
Friday, July 16, 2010
Life Savers

Dana and I both had a Moby on and a baby in it when we braved the mall after this purchase. We ate in the food court, fed them, and talked on our phones with such ease. Everyone that walked by did a double take, and some commented on how cute we looked, but I felt so liberated in the fact that I could cradle one of my sons AND use both of my hands at the same time. I think Dana felt the same and we both giggled like teenagers while we skipped through the mall. And did I mention that I can put both boys in it at the same time?! It holds up to 35 lbs., so we tested Hayden in it. She of course thought it was fun to have Aunt Dana hold her and do squats at the same time.
I also bought the Halo Sleep Sack for each of the boys and it saves so much time and effort than trying to swaddle them in a blanket that's probably too small, and in which they usually wiggle out of.
Unbelievable what a few pieces of fabric and a good idea can do for an exhausted mother!