This is my attempt at vegetables. I got a choice of three toppings, so I picked spinach, mushrooms, and olives. It was really good.
I don't usually allow this (even though she tries it often), but let her slide for a quick pic. She has been testing the waters!
Just look at that Innocent face!
Oh! and by the way, Domino's new hearty tomato sauce is GOOD! It's not REAL bad if she and I (mostly) ate over half of a large pizza, is it?
New Years was low key. My mom took the family to eat at Ribeye's. It was great as usual. We attempted to see the ball drop, but failed. Mom left around 9 and I was awakened by firecrackers at midnight. We spent New Year's Day at the Moss' for football and finger foods.
It's been a great year so far. Today, I have felt the best since getting pregnant. This morning was a little shaky, but it turned out great!
Well I must now sign off and save my child from the bowl of yogurt that's attacking her!
Oh, here's a pic from earlier this week when Hayden and a Nutri-Grain Bar got into it. It's safe to say she won!