We're are fast approaching Hayden's 2ND birthday, mine has gone by, and I'm 21 weeks into my pregnancy with twin boys! Excited is not even the word, neither is overwhelmed. We've been busy rearranging the house to fit our "family of five" needs (pics will come in the next post). Our dining room table has now been moved into our eat in kitchen, making it severely cramped, but I can't part with it, I love it! And what was once my formal dining room is now the playroom. Spencer repainted Hayden's bedroom to a lighter color and the spare room is now empty, awaiting two more cribs.
Miss Priss is no longer "the baby". Tammy and I were trying to figure out what we are going to call our little ones now that they are no longer "the babies".
Some of the things she is NOT doing is NOT using the potty and NOT sleeping in a regular bed, which is fine by me. I don't think I'll attempt it again until after "the boys" are born. She is, however, talking very well. I can now understand about half of the gibberish she speaks. Some of it is still gibberish because she just likes to talk!
We've had a pretty cold winter. It is definitely colder than the past few winters. It has snowed here in our area of North Carolina three times worth noting. I believe they are calling for more next week. I was still sick at the time of the first snow, but managed to get outside for about 15 minutes and take some pictures.
Hayden enjoyed being out in it, but it was so cold on that first day. She did not want to come in, but I did not want to stay out, so I won! I think I dressed her in about three layers and she resembled "Randy" on A Christmas Story.
My Boys
We found out last Thursday via ultrasound that I am carrying two boys. Baby A is on my right side and weighs about 12 ounces. Baby B is on the left and weighs about 13 ounces. They both weigh a ton in my book. At 21 weeks, my legs, lower back and pelvic area are so sore. I never experienced that much fatigue or soreness in my whole pregnancy with Hayden. I have almost gained 20 lbs. I am working through this month and will start the maternity leave process next month. At five months, I'm already feeling and seeing the results of being on my feet 6 hours a day. I didn't even go on maternity leave with Hayden after until she was born! It has definitely been much more of a challenge this time around. The nausea started to subside about 2 weeks ago. I still take a Zofran at about 4 am every morning, but other than that, I'm feeling pretty good.
I will need some ideas on boy names. I've never been creative when it comes to choosing names. I had always loved the name Hayden, so that was easy. I also never dreamed I'd be naming 2 boys at the same time either!
Next up will be Hayden, Tanner and mom's birthday. Maybe I won't wait another month to post!