Sunday, August 15, 2010


We've reached another precious milestone.  I say "we" like my names are Garrett and Ethan!  For the past few days they've both been shooting grins and gums my way.  Along with their little coos, there is not much more of my heart to melt.  I am such a slack mom.  I haven't taken many pictures lately and can't seem to get them to smile long enough to snap any of their recent accomplishment.  All I know is, I can't get enough of them!  They turned 15 weeks on Saturday.  Time is flying, but we're having tons of fun!!

Thursday, August 5, 2010


"Make way for Miss Hayden! No autographs please! "

So while my child runs from shutter flies, I'm trying to grab her and get back some jewelry before she got too tangled up in the mess.  Did I mention she thinks she's a celebrity?  We went to lunch today with Tammy and couldn't get out the door to leave before she told everyone in the restaurant bye!  Love it!  We had a lunch date since Daddy took the boys to their regular eye exam in Raleigh.  Their eyesight still isn't progressing but the doctor doesn't seem to be concerned that it will get worse.  We just need a few prayers and for their eyes to keep maturing.  This is typical for preemies so we aren't worried just yet!

We had some special friends over yesterday.  Leslie came with her two gorgeous kids.  We were so glad she did because she lives an hour away so we don't get to see them often.  He is too cute for words!

Wish we could see them more!  I think L and Hayden would make great babysitters! 

Monday, August 2, 2010

3 Months!

I can't believe my sweet twins are three months old! They reached this amazing milestone yesterday. It's crazy how busy a stay-at-home mom can be, so I'm trying to make a point to take a picture of all of my kids everyday. I had a rough night last night, so I have not been outside all day, trying to rest from the sleeplessness. Spencer took the boys to their weight check today. G is 9 lbs and E is 8.4 lbs! I'm so proud of them. They are thriving and getting so big. It's sad the time has passed so fast, but I'm also excited at what the future will bring for them. I love you boys!

Now to my little "DIVA". Nana came by last night and brought dinner. Hayden discovered her shoes and I must say she knows how to wear heels! Little stinker!

Also, the dreaded REGRESSION has crept into our house. Hayden has had more than enough accidents within the past few days. I try to stay as patient as I can, but when you have two screaming infants and a toddler peeing on every chair in the house, it's hard. I can tell it's getting to Spencer too. I hope she doesn't hate me one day for posting these priceless pictures. I'm trying to capture every moment, right?!

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I'll never get these moments back.... even the awkward ones!