I'm so busy reading other blogs that I neglect my own, like a year of neglect!! I don't think I remember how to publish a post anymore! Oh well, here's worth trying. After reading the usual blogs I follow, I just happened to stumble upon my own. While shedding a few tears reading all my old posts, I figured I really needed to stick to this blog because one day I will be glad I did. So after the "lost" year (undocumented that is) I will once again rededicate myself. It also helps that I'm bed bound at the moment after the power sculpting class I took yesterday. Let's catch up on a few things....
My sweet, sweet babies are not so baby anymore. Hayden is 3 and a half. going on thirty. She's smart and intelligent and charming and sweet and full of life. She's also loud and stubborn and sneaky...

This picture was taken at her Preschool Thanksgiving program with her good buddy Hylan. She absolutely loves going to school. She has a great group of classmates and wonderful teachers. I could not be more grateful for such a wonderful establishment. I tell them, often, that they need to change it to pre-k through grades 12! She has learned so much! She recites the Pledge of Allegiance (learned after only 2 weeks), sings "My Country Tis of Thee", writes her name, knows the days of the week, knows the months of the year, counts to 20 and countless other things that I can't remember at the moment but I'm sure I'll add in the future. She LOVES horses. We hope to get her riding lessons after she turns 4. She takes Tap/Ballet on Thursday nights and loves that also. She took swim lessons over the summer and can hold her breath under water and swim a few strokes. This child is an open book willing to learn anything. I can't wait to see what the future holds for her...
On to my little ball of energy, Ethan Spencer. He is an absolute doll. He was baby B in the womb and always smaller than his twin..... until now. This child is unstoppable and has surpassed his brother in development (not by much) and height (also not by much). He is a thinker and can figure out just about anything I don't want him to or didn't think he could. E is definitely a leader in a world of followers. This kid will be president of something when he grows up. Although no one can really understand him, he has a lot to say. It doesn't really matter that you can't understand his words because he gets his point across.
This is my wild man after a nap, soooooooooooooooo cute! My how they grow!

This is Ethan at around 4 weeks old. He was so small!
And last, but certainly not least, sweet Garrett. This little boy has melted my heart like I never thought a child could. He is so sensitive and kind, yet funny and silly. All my kids are silly and funny, but G can steal the show. He has THE BEST belly laugh, like one you would see on You Tube. He's the kid that sees you lying comfortably on the floor or bed and comes and jumps on you.
Ummm.... Excuse me, Garrett? Could you turn around please?
There... that's better.
He was not happy (obviously) about wearing this adorable pumpkin costume for Halloween this year. But he's still so darn cute!!
This is G at 5 weeks old *tear*. I miss those sweet preemie cheeks, but absolutely love the toddler that he's grown into. I still could gnaw on those cheeks, if I could only catch him that is.
I couldn't ask for sweeter, smarter, more loving children than I have. God has blessed me with all I could ever have imagined.
Even if I have to put my Christmas tree on top of my kitchen table! ;)
More to come..................................