Monday, January 2, 2012

The Start of a New Year

Happy New Year!  It was a great ending to a hectic year and a great start to a great year ahead! 

We had a wonderful Christmas!  The boys were much more aware of what was going on this year and ripped into every package they could get their little fingers on.  Hayden was a lot of fun also!  She refers every new toy as the "toy that Santa brought her" (no props to the parents, family, or friends)!  She was so cute but still never wanted to actually talk to Santa.  Some of the things they got were play food and kitchenware for the play kitchen, a cash register, a shopping cart, a furry dog that walks and barks, cars, cars, and more cars, 3 racetracks, a couple of dump trucks, Dora, Rapunzel, a princess dress, books, crayons, movies, a light bright, blocks, a bike (for Hayden) and two push toy tractors.  It's so much fun and somewhat inexpensive to buy Christmas presents for my kids at their age.  It really looked like we bought out the toy section at Target on Christmas morning.  We went to the Mosses' on Christmas Eve for dinner and exchanged presents.  We had a wonderful time.  My mom came over Christmas morning and cooked us breakfast while the kids opened their gifts.  Lunch was at Kathy's and Spencer's mom and Woody came and cooked dinner.  It was truly a wonderful time but I'm so glad it's over. 

New Year's Eve was spent in the comfort of our own home..... and at my neighbors', and for a little bit at my neighbor's neighbor.  We got up New Year morning refreshed and ready to go to church.  Spencer and I finished the class we needed to take before turning in our application to join the church we've been visiting for three years.  We are so excited to be joining and getting baptized there, as well as raising our kids in this church.  I'm looking forward to hopefully having an exciting and wonderful 2012!

More to come!!!