I sure hope not, but some of you might if you're close to our house. It's the sound of a frustrated daddy having words with the toy car that will soon occupy his sweet daughter. Little will she know of the sweat, tears, blood (literally) and obscenities that were shed while assembling this "Little Tyke". Daddy put the wheels on backwards, so while trying to pry them off and turn them around, he gashed his forehead with the flat head screwdriver. To make matters a little more interesting, this is only the first of three that is "self assembly required". Hopefully I will be able to help with the other doomed sets that need to be put together. It is funny how as soon as I came to help, WA la, it was easy as pie!
Please take the time to enjoy these priceless pictures.....
At least he was a good sport and let me take pictures for the blog!
On a more pleasant note, Hayden and I enjoyed a wonderful dinner at Monticello's with some dear old friends. I did, however, forget the camera (amateur blogger), so couldn't get any good pictures of Hayden and her pal Georgia.
I've still been braving through this first trimester. Did I say braving? I meant whining...... every hour on the hour. Poor hubby.... With all my whining, and him taking over most of my responsibilities, I don't know whose more ready for the summer to get here.
So my mind keeps jumping from one thing to the next. Kind of like it does when I'm trying to fall asleep. Has anyone heard that Crocs are going out of business? I have heard it several times, but I don't think I want to believe it. Mom and I went to Crabtree Valley Mall on Sunday and bought Hayden two pair. I was too chicken to ask the rude cashier if they were closing down. Looks like I would just look it up on the internet.
Well, three more days until Christmas. I promise to bring my camera!
LOVED every bit of it!! : ) You are the first that i have heard the croc news from...gonna have to check that o u t...