Hayden, you will soon be 21 months (December 13) and you are all over the place. You are so full of life and the absolute joy of our lives. Some things you're doing now are running at full speed, dancing, singing very clearly the ABC song, you can count to 10 (or I think you can), watching Dora and Blue's Clues on a regular, still sleeping great, you love to brush your teeth (I hope that lasts), going to Beth's, a very picky eater, you love cookies or anything sweet, you talk A LOT and I can make out some of your sentences, every morning when you wake up, you yell for me and your daddy to come and get you, and among many more things that I can't list right this minute, you're going to be a big sister....twice! Mommy is having twins! Only 9 weeks along, but it feels like 6 months since we found out, not to mention I look that way too.
You will always be my baby, and I love you with every inch of my being. You have made my life meaningful and I am so proud of you.
I love you ~ Mommy
We are so excited and overwhelmed at our news! The babies are due in early July, but of course twins usually come earlier. I just have hope that this will be an easy pregnancy, like my pregnancy with Hayden. I also hope the babies are healthy like their big sister. I've been very sick this first trimester. At the last appt (last Thursday) I begged Dr. Michalak to give me something for the nausea (which he did) and then we had an ultrasound, where we discovered there were two babies. Spencer and I want to know the sexes of the babies, so hopefully that will be soon. They have very different rates of heartbeat. One is 185/min and the other is 145/min.
With all of the chaos comes Christmas. It's only 2 weeks away! I'm leaving work early today to TRY and finish some last minute shopping. I know it's not really last minute, but it will be that way if I keep stalling. Our house is decorated and now all we need are the presents.
Thanksgiving was nice, except for the nausea I've had for the past month and a half. We went to Spencer grandparents for lunch and then to my mom's for dinner. Great food and company. I feel like time is passing through my fingertips. Even though I'm wishing away this pregnancy sickness, I don't want to lose any time.
I guess that is all for today! I'll be back soon!
OMG OMG OMG....I don't even know what to say, Congratulations...I KNEW that you were pregnant (I said it to Jason after we left Blaine's hair appt. a few weeks ago) hilarious, however TWINS WOW!! Guess you won't be coming back to work after 2 weeks THIS TIME GIRLY!!!